Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to My World

I live in the world of "vintage." I am becoming vintage my self. So it seemed natural to start a blog about it. I run a small antique shop and that has meant I am surrounded by vintage most days. In addition, one reason I opened the shop was because I have been interested in older furnishings most of my life.

I was raised in a home where my mom wanted all the latest, most modern. I preferred older things. I still remember, with fond thoughts, visiting the home of my grandmother in North Carolina and two aunts in Virginia. They had all the old, well loved items surrounding them. So I guess that is where I got my interest.

My own home reflects that love I think.

So I hope that those of you that enjoy this topic will join me here as I comment, show things and discuss whatever seems to be on my mind. And I hope you will add relevant comments as well.

And for those of you who like to consider yourself "green" remember that, by using vintage items, you are being environmentally friendly by recycling and reusing. More on that later too.

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