Thursday, October 23, 2008

Perfume Atomizers

I have a modest collection of perfume atomizers. Some are for sale in my shop, some live in my house.

They are definitely a vintage thing since perfume today generally comes with its own atomizer. But in the movies of the 30s, 40s and even 50s you used to see ladies using them. They are such a romantic thing I think.

None of the ones I have include a decent ball, most are hard and unusable. SO I decided to find out if I could buy replacement parts and OF COURSE in the today's world with the Internet I was able to find a supplier.

Here are a couple of recent finds. I now just need to replace the ball and I will have a couple of nice items.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting to buy things without guilt

I am so lucky that I get to buy things for my antique shop because it also offers opportunities to add things to my own collection. I did just that this past week while out buying things on what we call a "house call." (It means going to someones home to purchase things they no longer want... unfortunately usually because of a death in the family)

This latest visit was no exception. Some dishes, some hats, some purses, some canning jars, and others things that make too long a list to put here.

My personal excitement was in several areas.
Canning jars for one. Now I only tried canning back in the early 70s when I was in my Mother Earth mode and didn't do it for long. I did move on to freezing veggies which my daughter can tell you wasn't much fun either. I found some canning jars at this house that intrigued me. Definitely vintage....
The first was called a Millville Atmospheric Fruit Jar. Sounds quite "modern" doesn't it.r

And then I found a few others that looked a bit different too. They don't have have shoulders like the usual ones do. This particular one, with with its light blue color makes a nice vase for fall colors.

I have a customer who collects canning jars and at the moment has over 180 different ones. And I hope he likes some of these.

Then I looked at the hat collection. Apparently the lady LOVED hats and was known to wear them everywhere. She had at least 50 however I only picked up two because they appealed to me. They may end up in my shop or maybe on my head. Who knows. I got some nice hand tooled leather purses too.

I bought several pieces of aluminum. When I got married, over 40 years ago, I actually got a couple of pieces for wedding presents. But apparently they are coming into vogue again. They are handy to use when having a party because you don't have to worry about messing them up like you would with silver but they usually look good. The ones I got this time arent' the fanciest, with the best names on the bottom but they look like they could be used.

Lots more items have been added to my inventory from this buying trip but these were things I wanted to write about today.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Vintage Red Sox

See, I can find vintage in anything I do. I wonder what that means.

Well, my family will not have to stay up late nights for awhile since the red sox managed to stop winning last night and let another team go to the World Series.

Following the "vintage Red Sox" theme.... wait til next year.

That was a saying that was common in our family for years..... as far back as I can remember until 2004 when they finally won a World Series. I hope it goes back to being a vintage saying.

I promise I will get back to the vintage theme later on today in another post. I have some things to share.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Amazing October Day

I love fall!! I always feel so invigorated when the weather cools, the colors change and the holiday seasons approach.

In a Vintage sense it is probably because I have very fond memories of this time of year in years past.

When I was young we loved to go out and jump in piles of leaves that had been recently raked up.... not nice if you were doing the raking but oh so fun if you were the jumper. And I can still smell the bonfires burning over at the college during football seasons.

Of course you can't burn leaves anymore. But such a wonderful vintage memory.

Do you rush out to buy pumpkins, chrysanthemums, corn stalks and bales of hay? I love the colors of fall and hate to see them leave. The bare leaves of winter are sort of depressing until the snow starts to fall.

But I shall enjoy it while we have it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Vintage Day

Yesterday my husband and I went to one of our favorite flea markets in the area. Well, sort of the area. It is an hours drive away but oh so worth it. We buy items to resell in our shop, items for our various hobbies and collections, little stuff for the grandkids and great produce in season.
Lot of Amish and Mennonite farms in the area so we get to try out their produce.

On yesterdays trip I found several things of interest..... A set of Vera placemats and napkins.... similar to a set I got for a wedding present a LONG time ago.....

A scrumptious silk soft green embroidered Piano scarf (or maybe a shawl.)

and finally a sweet brooch and earring set done in enamel by Corocraft

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What do you consider "vintage"

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary it means

1 of wine : of, relating to, or produced in a particular vintage
: of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality : classic
3 a
: dating from the past : old b: outmoded , old-fashioned4: of the best and most characteristic —used with a proper noun <vintage Shaw: a wise and winning comedy — Time>

But for most of us it seems to mean anything 30- 100 years old. I read an group of questions on eBay about the definitions and they too couldn't come up with a definite answer either

There is another term "retro" that seems to mean items from the 50s. At least every time I have heard it used that is what was implied. I checked with Wikipedia when I was writing about this and to see what they say.... click here. Retro

e talking about Vintage items from 30 to 100 years old.....

Hope you will join in.

Why have I been accused of having Possible Blogger Terms of Service Violations

I do not understand why my blog as been accused of violating terms of service. I have only been on line with it one day.

What on earth could I have done wrong..........

At least they let me post this

I checked on the blogger help page and a LARGE amount of folks had their blogs locked today.... many were for things like charities. I think their spam chaser is just over zealous.

I am hopeful this will end soon....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to My World

I live in the world of "vintage." I am becoming vintage my self. So it seemed natural to start a blog about it. I run a small antique shop and that has meant I am surrounded by vintage most days. In addition, one reason I opened the shop was because I have been interested in older furnishings most of my life.

I was raised in a home where my mom wanted all the latest, most modern. I preferred older things. I still remember, with fond thoughts, visiting the home of my grandmother in North Carolina and two aunts in Virginia. They had all the old, well loved items surrounding them. So I guess that is where I got my interest.

My own home reflects that love I think.

So I hope that those of you that enjoy this topic will join me here as I comment, show things and discuss whatever seems to be on my mind. And I hope you will add relevant comments as well.

And for those of you who like to consider yourself "green" remember that, by using vintage items, you are being environmentally friendly by recycling and reusing. More on that later too.
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